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The Leadership Activation

THE LEADERSHIP ACTIVATION is a LIVE 3-Day event that will call you into your liberated leadership like never before. Fun fact: the concentration for my Masterā€™s degree was actually in the realm of leadershipā€¦but this wonā€™t be purely an ā€œeducationalā€ event. It will be about shifting your consciousness at a CELLULAR LEVEL to embody YOUR style of aligned leadership (it will most likely not be identical to mine, or anyone elseā€™s).

Have you ever been to an online workshop or event, and awkwardly wanted to “peace out” halfway through, because the coach or facilitator was:


  • Imitating their mentor so much, you almost passed out from boredom?
  • Oblivious to how to work with the energy of the group, so it felt more like sitting through a classroom presentation.
  • Looking to others to hold the container, completely in their “little girl” energy in ways that gave you the ick?
  • Allowing the participants to run all over them, so you felt there was no one at the helm of this god-forsaken ship?
  • Talking “at people,” and solely focused on their drive to sell you something?

That’s a LACK OF LEADERSHIP, baby.

Did you buy whatever they were pitching?
Probably not.
To the opposite end of things…
Have you ever been mesmerized by someone’s content,
simply because of the way they held their space and boundaries?
Have you felt the difference of being on a Zoom call with
someone who can actually hold themselves AND YOU
at the same time, and melted into a puddle from the sheer
relief of this powerful containment?
Have you ever been borderline jealous of someone
else’s boss-ass moves, their unwavering voice,
and their capacity for clarity, care, boldness and compassion???
Have you ever thought to yourself, “how do they care
SO MUCH about the well-being of others,
while also managing not to fall into self-sacrifice and martyrdom?”
That’s GENUINE LEADERSHIP you’re feeling.
(And you’re probably investing with that person, yes?
Even if the one with the mediocre workshop has way more credentials,
or looks better on paper!)
When you’re able to hold the frequency of true leadership
without shrinking, proving, dominating, controlling or collapsing…
You’ve got the ticket to repeat success in your business
(and also in your relationships, and life).
You might not think of yourself as a “LEADER,” and that’s ok…
But you don’t have to be in a position of authority,
to step into leadership of your own life.  


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Every person who is on the planet at this time to change things, to do it differently than past generations, or to change paradigms, is a leader in my opinion.
When you hold that LEADERSHIP frequency, it is not about having “followers.”
It is about being a living example of embodied power, and taking full ownership of your own life, while maintaining a sense of your impact on the collective.
It is a frequency of radical responsibility, AND freedom (contradiction? No.)
If you want to discover that power within YOU, and stop feeling at the mercy of the choices of others…
I have something special for you! (It’s FREE!) 
THE LEADERSHIP ACTIVATION is a LIVE 3-Day event that will call you into your liberated leadership like never before.
Fun fact: the concentration for my Master’s degree was in the realm of leadership…but this won’t be purely an “educational” event.
It will be about shifting your consciousness at a CELLULAR LEVEL to embody YOUR style of aligned leadership (it will most likely not be identical to mine, or anyone else’s).

May 13-15th at 10 am PST daily.

ā¤ļø‍šŸ”„Deep clearing and POWERFUL activations.
ā¤ļø‍šŸ”„Teaching and reflections.
šŸ’„No more client/mentor relationships that feel “off” in any way.
šŸ’„No more martyr/rescuer dynamics in your relationships.
šŸ’„No more self-sacrificing.
šŸ’„No more avoidance patterns.
šŸ§¬ Just pure power, pure compassion, pure embodied authority. šŸ§¬


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