Julia Phoenix is a Leadership and Liberation Mentor,  and the Worldwide Leading Innovator of the Rapid Shift Integration Method™

Julia’s passion and service is aligning human beings with their highest potential, and helping them shed the programs that keep them stuck in unsatisfying cycles in life, relationships, and business. 

In her mentorship programs, Julia specializes in helping high-level leaders, mentors and coaches awaken to their true spiritual power, unlock their soul gifts, and realign their businesses to support their highest expression!

For her mission-focused, purpose-driven clients, this means 10Xing the results they are able to help their own clients achieve….

It means opening up new and exciting opportunities for them to be seen, heard and recognized as UNIQUE leaders in their fields…

It means tons of referrals coming out of nowhere for them, because they are finally firing on all cylinders, and truly doing what their soul came to do.

It means having more energy for their purpose work, because they are no longer corded or hooked into things that don’t benefit the highest expression of their mission, and they are no longer operating with outdated conditioning or limiting programs.

It means improved relationships, better sleep, and most importantly…

It means being able to access deep, spiritual fulfillment, and soul-level success on a daily basis, that makes them excited to wake up in the morning and serve their people in the exact way only they were uniquely coded to do!

A survivor of childhood abuse, drug addiction, and eating disorders, Julia knows first-hand what it is like to live a life where you are identified with the patterns and programs you're carrying, rather than with your true soul's essence...

And how devastatingly limiting life can be, when lived from that place. (Even AFTER doing years or decades of trauma healing work, and even after achieving material success and recognition).

She believes that DNA activation is the missing link, to assist human beings in moving beyond survival...

And into embodying their true divinity.

Moving from "healing," to becoming the sovereign leaders and creators of their own lives!

And moving from limitation and lack, to liberation and pure abundance.

So what is DNA activation?

Your DNA is not just physical.

It actually has 12 dimensions (not 2, as most of us were taught in school).

Only the physical DNA (the commonly known double helix structure) is currently observable through scientific instruments.

We have an additional 10 strands of DNA that are nonphysical, and are sometimes referred to as "etheric" or "light strand" DNA.

These 10 additional strands are largely inactive, for most people—think of a light switch, sitting in the "off" position.

Julia uses sound and frequency to flip that switch, to turn on your dormant DNA.

Within the multidimensional structure of your DNA, lies a sacred blueprint. 

This blueprint contains your unique soul gifts, many hidden abilities, and the truest, purest frequency of YOUR brilliant essence.

It is also the doorway to deeper connection with your higher self, and with Source.

When you incarnated here on the planet, you chose very specific ancestral lines, and very specific coding, from past lives, alien influences, and your Higher Self.

You are literally coded with everything you need in order to fulfill the exact objectives you intended to fulfill when you came to the planet.

When your dormant DNA is activated, you gain access to MORE.

More of who you truly intended to be here.

More of who you really are.

More of your multidimensionality.

More of the gifts and abilities you came here to utilize for the benefit of the collective.

And an expanded level of awareness, presence, and spiritual gnosis within your embodiment.

DNA activation is Julia’s specialty, and it is the key that opens the door to the life that was MEANT for you.

When you activate your dormant DNA, not only do you gain access to more of who you really are...

But you begin to operate from a place of very deep connection to yourself, on a soul level--a type of connection that most people just don't have access to.

Julia's work is all about liberating your soul's true essence, so that you can begin to recreate your life, from the inside out.

Magnetizing the people, places and things that are a match to fulfilling your highest purpose...

And releasing all that which is not.

Julia's experience in the fields of Human Development, Relationship Coaching, and Business Leadership, add to her unique approach to mentorship, and inform the application of her gifts.

Her style is a blend of grounded, no BS  guidance, loving support, and cosmic, spiritual wisdom.


She is here to BACK you in the full expression of your multidimensionality, and help you activate, amplify and ungaslight your gifts...

So you can live your full purpose!

Check out our online store, and do reach out if you're interested in booking a call to see if you're a great fit for any of Julia's mentorship containers!